Careers Work in Schools Books

These books are a ‘quick read’, yet provide busy career development facilitators with a comprehensive evidence-based overview of adolescent career development and cost-effective approach to career service delivery in Australian schools.

Careers work in schools: A primer for career development facilitators

This booklet is intended for school staff who may be new to the field of career development as well as those wishing to brush up on their knowledge and understanding. You may be delivering a career education course for the first time, or perhaps you are career practitioner who has just started out. On the other hand, you may be a seasoned career practitioner wanting to refresh your knowledge. This practical text supports career development facilitators in the application of career theories and related tools and techniques to address the typical career questions of upper middle and secondary school students and provide quality of career services in schools.


Get your copy from Australian Academic Press: Careers work in schools: a primer for career development facilitators.

Careers Work in Schools: Cost-effective career interventions

This practical booklet explains the differentiated career service delivery model, developed at Florida State University. This model involves assessing student readiness for career decision making and then matching the type of career intervention to level of readiness. The desired result of this delivery method is that all students receive a level of career service aligned to their career development needs. Students low in readiness for career decision making receive one-to-one career counselling, students with moderate career decision making readiness have group interventions. Students with a high level of readiness for career decision making have more self-directed interventions.


Get your copy from Australian Academic Press: Careers work in schools: a primer for career development facilitators.

These two books were selected as finalists in the 2018 RSA ANZ Australian Careers Book Award.

Coming Soon!

Careers work in schools: A career decision making workbook for young people, parents and carers. This workbook should be available for schools and families by mid-2019. It could be offered to families in parent-student career interviews, displayed in the school career resource area for students and parents to take, made available at school career events attended by students and parents or form the basis of student-parent career decision making workshops. The workbook is ideal for Home Educators and their families.