The Australian Defence Forces is comprised of the Navy, the Army, the Air Force and the Defence Reserves. Defence Force Jobs has all the information you need to know about:
To be eligible for the ADF you must:
For more information on these requirements see .
Young people aged 18-24 with a Year 12 education can apply for a 12-month Gap Year role in the Army, Navy or Air Force. For more information see .
These job roles are in a variety of areas such as:
Minimum education is completion of Year 10 (or equivalent) with passes in English and Maths. Some roles may require Year 10 Science as well, or Year 11 or equivalent.
You can apply for more hands-on job roles where you get paid while you compete technical trade training become qualified. Jobs are in the areas such as:
The minimum education is Year 10 with passes in English, Maths, a Science subject and one other subject. Some job roles may also require Physics.
If you have a trade or professional qualification, you can apply for ADF roles that are related to your qualifications.
You can train to be an officer in the ADF with or without undertaking a university degree. The minimum requirement is Year 12 education. Officer training is undertaken at:
This involves getting a degree from the ADFA campus of the University of New South Wales. ADFA recruits are paid to do military training while studying for their degree.
If you have a university degree in study areas such as:
Officer and general Entry roles are available to applicants with other degrees.
You can even work part-time in the ADF by joining the Reserves. Reserve job roles are diverse. Some require a minimum of Year 10 education with passes in English and Maths. For others a degree in a specific area may be required. For more information see .
To find out how to apply see .